Edenis Customer image


Offers secure, high- quality Wi-Fi connectivity to users

  • 국가: 프랑스
  • 산업: 헬스케어
  • 해결책: WiFi Solutions

For 40 years, the EDENIS Group has accompanied the elderly. The association developed in proximity to elderly populations and offers them the most adapted solutions and attention. While maintaining a small scale, EDENIS is a leading regional associative player in the medical-social sector in the French Occitanie Region. Its 24 establishments include 1,771 beds and 1,400 employees.

Edenis Customer logo
We can look to the future with confidence, with a clear operational mode and technological developments such as Wi-Fi 7. We welcome the choice of NXO and Alcatel Lucent-Enterprise.
Frederic Rousseau, Director of Operations, EDENIS Group

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Edenis Group customer reference

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